Thursday, September 30, 2010


The 50th anniversary of the Flintstones debut is today which brings about one question all men have asked each other at one time or another.  Whether it be in a locker room or at a party somewhere when they are half (or completely) hammered, invariably a Flintstones discussion boils down to this single query.

Betty or Wilma?

Ladies, I know you are rolling your eyes right now saying, “For crying out loud you losers, it is a bloody cartoon!  You NEED to determine exactly which FICTIONAL ANIMATED CHARACTER you’d rather have sex with?”

Sadly ladies… yes… yes we do.

And it doesn’t end there… When the anniversary for Gilligan’s Island comes around, millions of men in thousands of watering holes around the world will be getting into heated debates over Mary Ann or Ginger.  

Want me to go on?  Ok… we also debate about Betty Boop vs. Jessica Rabbit, Morticia Adams vs. Lily Munster, Samantha (Bewitched) vs. Jeannie (I dream of Jeannie) and of course we can’t forget Betty vs. Veronica.

It’s true.  I am guilty of it myself.  And I have been witness to some pretty heated debates over the whole thing with compelling arguments for… ok look… I realize how ridiculous it is to try and tell you all that there is ANYTHING compelling involved in discussions that surround fictional characters that men would like to get in the sack.  (I guess the good thing is that it seems to be a lot safer to discuss this than religion or politics.  That’ll get a guy hurt… or at least kicked out of the party.)

I bring this all up because there is just one thing I am trying to understand.  Why no love for the redheads?

Seriously, guys.  In every conversation I have had of this nature, if there is a redhead in the question, you guys will turn to the blonde or brunette… leaving the “Ginger” alone at night waiting by the phone.  For crying out loud a South Park episode even created “Kick a Ginger” day.

I happen to love redheads, and not because I am currently in love with one now either.  Virtually every ginger I have met has been beautiful, intelligent, and has a fiery disposition.  Hell, the fact that there are so few of them means that they are unique… why have the “same old same old” when you can be with someone intriguing and mysterious?  So guys… what’s the problem?  As the Flight of the Conchords so aptly sang… “REDHEADS NOT WARHEADS!”

(For the record, I know DAMN WELL that personality traits, physical appearance and intelligence has as much to do with a person’s hair color as it does the name of the doctor who helped your parents bring you into the world in the maternity room.  But look… I need to come up with something to talk about tonight and this is the best I can do so…)

Anyway… I’m advocating for all the “Gingers” out there; and one in particular that I love to bits and don’t get to see nearly enough of. (Yes, yes I know, enough with the schmaltzy sick love crap.)

Oh, and for the record, to wrap up any loose ends… Wilma, Ginger, Jessica Rabbit, Morticia, Jeannie and Veronica.

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