Monday, November 28, 2011

The Canadien/Canes Conundrum

Ned Flanders would call this situation a “dilly of a pickle”.

Today my beloved Carolina Hurricanes fired their head coach of many years Paul Maurice and hired on Kirk Muller.
It is a move that pleases and torments me on a number of levels.
As a hockey move, clearly this is something that had to be done for the sake of the team.  This squad is mired in a funk that threatens to cost them their entire season should things not turn around quickly.  The players had stopped responding to Maurice and were just not performing to the level required of a team that will even make the playoffs never mind win a Cup as they did in 2006. 
I had the pleasure of meeting Maurice outside a coffee shop during my “Pilgrimage to the Holy Land” a couple years ago, and I have to say I was thrilled and stunned at the man’s gracious and friendly nature.   He spoke with me and my partner, Carolyn at great length and only after a lengthy 15 minute visit did he excuse himself as he had to catch a flight to Florida with the team.
It was a great thrill for me to speak with him and it is a big part of the many fond memories I have as part of that trip.  So, while I know that his firing was needed to save the season for the team, it was very sad for me to see such a wonderful human without a job.
But that is really not where the REAL turmoil lies for me.
It is the hiring of a man that is very near the top of my list of “Most Hated Athletes”.
While Kirk Muller has played for a number of teams throughout his hockey career, it can be argued (at least in Canada) that the team he is most associated with is the Montreal Canadiens. 
Now... those of you who know me, know of my hatred for this squad, so clearly I do not have to go over this for you as it is redundant, boring and for some, proof that I indeed need a form of around the clock counselling...(Carolyn calls it “Raymond, get a grip!”... but I digress)
I remember regarding him with utter and complete disdain as he would score key goals or make a strong defensive play or draw a penalty against my beloved Hartford Whalers, and follow his excellent performance by mugging for the damn cameras in the post game interviews instead of looking at the reporters that asked the question with that smug, confident smile that only seemed to rub salt into the open wounds he inflicted upon my pro sports fan ego. 
Having this man that I have hated for years step into a role to lead the team that I love instantly made me cringe and wretch in revulsion.
I know what you are thinking... “Carolyn is right, Raymond.  You need to get a bloody grip! Why don’t you just think of him as a New Jersey Devil or Dallas Star or Florida Panther instead of a Hab.  Why torture yourself” (...okay... most of you are just thinking that I should get a grip and that is it!)
I have been thinking about this all day and wondering how exactly I would explain this properly to those who don’t understand or dismiss my dismay in such a manner.
And it dawned on me.
I would ask you all to picture yourselves as Republicans...better yet I would like you to consider yourselves Tea Party members.  For my friends in Canada... picture yourselves as Conservatives or better yet, Alberta Conservatives.
You have very strong beliefs that you have grown with and that you hold dear.  And you look at the Democrats/Liberal are a pox on society that will drag your country into the mire the likes of which will never be recovered from. (For the record I think this belief is exactly what is wrong with politics these days, but that is another blog posting for another day)
The time has come to select a leader for your party.  A person who is determined to be best suited to bring your party to power and institute the changes you want to see in order to have your country become successful and flourish.
Now imagine the Republicans selected Barack Obama to lead you to the White House in 2012...
And for my fellow Canucks who would be (Albertan) Conservatives... picture Pierre Elliot Trudeau as your leader...
Admit it... you just threw up in your mouth a little didn’t you?  I am not afraid to call you a liar if you tell me you didn’t feel that tiny bit of revulsion.
Those men are probably the most polarizing and hated individuals by their opponents in the history of politics (at least in Canada that is a safe statement... perhaps my American friends would be able to find a more hated Democrat leader)
And if we are all honest with ourselves the reason why they are so hated is because deep down...waaayyyyyyy down in some cases, we respected them for what they were capable of accomplishing for our opponents.
That is the case for me.
Deep down in a place that I don’t care to admit actually exists, I have respect for the accomplishments of Kirk Muller and believe that he can indeed bring some much needed change to our squad.  I think he has the tools to be an excellent leader and bring success to the team that we Canes fans so desperately seek.
And should he be able to turn this season around and get my beloved Canes into the playoffs and perhaps beyond...I will be both delighted AND repulsed at once.
I will wrap this up by repeating an message to Hurricanes GM Jim Rutherford that I made earlier in a message board group only partly in jest.
This torture you are putting me through...  had better pay off. 
And now to find a decent mental health professional...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Nope... it's not in THERE!"

For the first time in 6 years, I am without my goatee.
Silly though it may seem, the simple act of shaving is kind of a big deal for me since... well, to slightly alter a popular tune from My Fair Lady...”I’ve become accustom to my face”.
Aside from the fact that the goatee hid 2 of the three chins that I have developed thanks to a ridiculous increase in neck fat, I always thought it gave me an air of maturity that I enjoyed.  Of course the second that I open my mouth that maturity quite often disappears, but I think that is a topic better suited for a future blog entry.
What has forced this drastic action which I took the liberty of executing LIVE on air this morning?
Check your calendars... it is MOVEMBER 1st.
A time where thousands of men all over North America (and around the World as I see upon joining the cause) grow moustaches to raise awareness about prostate health and the importance of getting a regular prostate exam.
I am not sure that I completely understand the connection between a moustache and having the Doc jelly up his finger to give you the ole “How ya’ doin’?”, but there are many things I will never see the connection to. 
One thing that I do see... and that is the importance of getting a regular health exam that includes a prostate exam.  Prostate Cancer is the second leading cause of deaths by cancer in men, but is certainly survivable if detected early.
While the digital rectal exam may FEEL like it takes an eternity, it is really quite quick and is probably the best gift any man can give himself in the way of health.  Not only that, it can also provide you an opportunity at comedy unlike any other.
I can’t believe I am going to share this with the world...
So there I am getting my health check and it’s time for the DRE (Do you think that is what DRE stands for in Dr. Dre? Moving on...) and I am lying on the exam table in the Fetal position, pants and underwear around my ankles.
 I read up on the exam before I went in and it said to make sure you breathe deeply and to try to relax and it seems to help as the DRE began.  I understand why they advise you to breathe because the shock damn near took my breath away.  But soon enough it was over and my Doctor politely said “Alright Raymond.  All done, you can get up now.”
I no sooner started to think to myself that it really wasn’t all that bad an ordeal, when my doctor said something that I made me laugh hysterically. 
I will never forget it.  He patted the breast pocket of his shirt and looked down quizzically and said...
“Where did I put my pen?”
My uncontrollable laughter made him give me a look as though I had lost my mind until I asked him if he realised what he had said. 
Once I told him that he had asked a question of himself that he CLEARLY did not mean to be spoken aloud...he smiled and blushed a little, while I told him that I knew where it wasn’t.
My doctor has since retired (no not because of this incident either) and I am on the lookout for a new one.  And yes, if you must know, I am basing a great deal of my selection process on the width of my future doctor’s fingers.
Regardless of the digital girth... one thing remains the same.  Prostate exams are important, and ALL men should get them on a regular basis along with their annual health check to ensure that they are free of symptoms.
Now... all stories aside I am going to throw this out there for you the blog reader.
If you had even the slightest giggle or chuckle upon reading this rather interesting personal experience... I would ask that you please visit my Movember website and make whatever donation you are capable of making in support of the prostate cancer research cause.  (Or if someone close to you is raising money... make sure you donate to them.)
I will post some updated pictures of my face, what it looked like normally, what it looks like today, and updated pics on the progress of the moustache and all its glory.  I am going to go with the Frank Zappa style I think... a combination of the Ned Flanders Cookie Duster (or the 70’s porn ‘stache if you wish) and a little “Soul Patch” under the lip for flava...
Thanks for your time...and gentlemen... what are you waiting for? Get your appointment for that exam NOW...there are pens to be lost... and found...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Almost three years ago CBC’s Rick Mercer offered up one of his classic rants that appear on “This Hour has 22 Minutes” on the topic of living through being bullied.
Sadly it is a message that either didn’t resonate with or get to 15 year old Jamie Hubley.
He is a young boy who ended his life earlier this month thanks to what he felt was unbearable pressure of being bullied by his peers.
This week, Rick Mercer dedicated some more time to this tragic story and the never-ending problem that caused it.
I have had a difficult time writing this entry, mostly because my eyes keep welling up with tears of sadness that this happens to anyone.  That, and because I have to carefully select my words and avoid using vulgarities that are spawned by the pure RAGE I feel when I think of the people who drove this and every teenager that has ended his life to such a drastic and final decision.  So I will ask that you bear with me as I continue.
When is our society going to say enough is enough and start bringing these bullies to justice?  When are we going teach our children that it is not cool to taunt or tease another child because they are different?  And I am not just talking about the youth who attack other children because they are homophobic.  I am talking about ALL forms of bullying; for any reason.
Being in a newsroom myself and knowing a number of people in social services that are implementing programs to help deal with bullying, it is good to see that at least something is being done. (I guess I just answered my own questions from the previous paragraph.  Like I said... you are going to have to bear with me here) I appreciate the efforts made by these adults who are recognizing the issues and trying to help our youth deal with them by shining a light on the problem.
Jamie Hubley’s parents should be commended for coming out to tell the world about their son and the troubles he lived through.  Think about it; it was a double whammy for them.  Not only was their son gay, a fact that STILL in this day in age, forces so many people to hide who they really are out of fear of reprisal from homophobes everywhere, their son also committed suicide, a topic that has always come with a stigma of shame for the people left behind. I remember growing up and being silenced by adults when the topic of suicide came up, because "that is not polite conversation". 
Their courage in speaking out will not bring their son back, but maybe it will get other families talking about their feelings and issues that are festering and growing while they stay silent.  If it saves even ONE life...then perhaps they will be able to take some solace in that.
There is going to come a time though, when talking about it won’t be enough.  In fact, when it comes to dealing with bullies, the time for talk has long since passed. It is time for action...RIGHT NOW!
It is time for those kids who are being harassed and tortured to stop quietly grinning and bearing it.  It is time to stand up and say “I am being bullied and it has to stop”. It’s time for the kids who sit idly by and watch it happen out of fear that they might be the next target, to have the courage to say “Knock it off!”  I am not talking about “taking the law into your own hands” or turning the tables and bullying the bullies.  I am talking about all of you standing side by side with the victims of this torture and force it to stop with a little solidarity, and let’s face it; you outnumber those bullies at LEAST 50 to 1.  And how about reporting this crap to the teachers or parents who can help put a stop to this.  And by the way, it is time to stop worrying about being called a rat.  If you see something that isn’t right, tell someone about it. 
Is it easy?  Nope.  I won’t lie to you; it takes a courage that a lot of people never have the ability to find.  But look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself.  If you were the target of a bully, would you not appreciate any and all of the help you could get to bring a stop to it?  WHEN you answer yes, you will know what you have to do.
And for the schools and about getting the police involved here, huh?  How about sticking these punks with harassment charges?  It’s like Mercer said, they would bring the cops in to get to the bottom of who vandalised the cafeteria or the outer school wall with graffiti...are we saying that our kids are less important than property?
All you bleeding hearts who think laying harassment charges are too serious a punishment to get the law involved?  All of you who think it’s not fair to saddle the perpetrators with a record for the rest of their lives?  Would you be willing to live with the consequences of your child’s decision to end his/her life because bullies are making it unbearable and are getting away with it?
Criminal behavior must have consequences, and bullying IS criminal behaviour.  Time to call this what it is.
I try to teach my daughter to be respectful of people until they show you they don’t deserve respect.  I try to teach her that we all have our foibles that make us different (and living with me she gets a firsthand example of that) and that is not the reason to taunt or tease someone.  It is reason to celebrate, because frankly if we were all the same...this world would be a pretty boring place.  I try to teach her to be a leader through her words and actions.  No this doesn’t make me a hero...these are just conversations that have to happen with our children if there is any hope to  end to this abhorrent behaviour. Further, they are conversations that have to KEEP happening until they stick.
In closing... I wish to give my condolences to the Hubley family, and indeed every family who is left behind after a teen suicide.  For the kids who are being bullied...Rick Mercer is right... it DOES get better... but hopefully the rest of us can help you out with that and find a way to make it stop. 
I know I will try to do my part.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Over the Razors Edge

I have blogged on exploitation before and while I was annoyed with it in the past, what I saw today disgusted and disheartened me.
I am about to proudly admit something that my partner will wish I had kept to myself.
She doesn’t understand it and probably finds it embarrassing that she is in love with a guy who enjoys it as much as I do.
I like Professional Wrestling.
I watched this much maligned form of entertainment from a very young age, (probably younger than I should have looking back at it now), alongside my father who would catch it on Saturdays when he was home.  Every Saturday afternoon we would tune in to Stampede Wrestling from Calgary, best known as the home of the Hart Brothers, Brett and Owen (RIP). 
We cheered the “Faces” (Good guys) hated the “Heels” (bad guys) and enjoyed the battles that would play out over the 8 to 10 minute matches.  I was amazed at their strength, the great shape the wrestlers were in, the gimmicks. 
Then it moved onto watch World Wrestling Federation matches with dad, which was Stampede Wrestling on steroids (very apropos as it turns out).  Everything was bigger and better.  The wrestlers were larger; the managers were louder, the personalities wilder.  I bought the gimmicks hook line and sinker...totally lost in the storylines that were being told on a weekly basis.
It wasn’t until I got older when I started seeing the unseemly side of the wrestling world.  The stories about the men BEHIND the characters I would see every week became more interesting than the wrestling itself.  Thankfully this also coincided with many of the wrestlers becoming involved in writing their own books or the release of documentaries.
“Beyond the Mat” was perhaps the best of the documentaries, albeit slightly depressing, predominantly because of the story it shared on Jake “The Snake” Roberts. 
Easily one of my very favourite characters, mostly because he was the first of the “heels” I liked.  Dangerous and mysterious, at any second he could end a match with his patented finisher, the “DDT”, he would then take his massive snake “Damien” out of the army bag he would bring to ringside and drape it all over his felled opponent.  Even when he lost I thought he was unbeatable... unstoppable...larger than life.
 The documentary changed all of that.  What was shown was a man, decimated by addictions to drugs and alcohol, an estranged relationship with his daughter, desperately trying to hold on to a past that had long since left him behind.  The bright lights that shone on him no longer highlighting the character he was, but pointing out the shell of a man he had become.
I hadn’t watched that movie in years...but today I was given a look at the next, and certainly not the last, tragic story in the world of professional wrestling, in the form of a special ESPN feature/documentary called: “The Wrestler:The Scott Hall Story”.
Just like in “Beyond The Mat”, this video features a wrestling legend who has fallen victim to the success he enjoyed in his glory days, where alcohol, drugs, sex were abundant, and cares were few and far between. 
It goes deep into the story about his youth, highlights of an unseemly past, his entry into the profession the rise to the top of the mountain and the painful and heartbreaking fall that cost him more than it should cost anyone.
His choice to continue as a professional wrestler, barely a shell of his former self at the age of 53 is not the exploitation that has me so angry.  He is making this choice for himself and even though everyone, himself included, knows he should stop...he continues on.  It is a free world and it is his right to live it as he wishes.
It is not the fact that this video was produced that bothers me either.  It is these types of videos that humanize the individuals that we make out to be heroes all too often.  We need to see that even those individuals that we think “have it all”, have their own issues that they need to deal with.  Pitfalls that if left unchecked, could destroy even the most grounded individual.   Seeing the tears in his eyes...seeing the pain in the eyes of his was enough to bring tears to my eyes as well. As a father myself, it bothers me a great deal to see how he chose the life on the road and the drugs over his family.  I pity him and what his life has become and what he has had to live through, but I have also lost a lot of respect for him.
It’s not even the fact that his own son who has had a ringside seat to watch his father’s life being destroyed that bothers me, or the fact that Scott Hall is pushing his son and encouraging him to get involved in the profession. 
No... My anger is directed squarely at the wrestling promoter who took advantage of Scott Hall at his lowest point. 
A man who sees an intoxicated, drugged up, shell of a wrestler that was supposed to be his star performer of the night and instead of doing the moral and HUMAN thing by telling the crowd that had gathered that Hall was not fit to perform, decides to disregard the wrestlers his health and dignity and send him out through the curtain so that he wouldn’t have to give refunds.
This scummy promoter and miserable excuse of a human being claims that he was “showing the world who Scott Hall was”, like he was doing the world a favour.  He claimed it was a business decision for his promotion.  But even that is a joke, as I can come up with at least two other solutions to the problem.
A)     Flat out tell the crowd that Scott Hall is unable to perform during the show that night and deal with the fallout.  As Hall was later diagnosed as being under the influence of drugs, the promoter surely would have been able to sue for failure to perform and get back every dollar he lost in gate fee refunds.

B)      Have him show up on the evening, not as a performer, but as a former star who could sign autographs for the fans who wanted to see him.  Set up a table and let the fans visit with him and get something signed and be on their way. 
Neither one of these suggestions is ideal.  Hell, they flat out suck for the fans.  I know I would be disappointed to not be able to watch one of my favourites (although for my money I would much rather have the older stars that I love taking part in option B as a rule when they are brought into independent promotions.  Leave the wrestling to the younger guys...but I digress).  But if the option is to not see one of the stars of years past, or witnessing the humiliation that Scott Hall lived through (by his own hands)...there’s no question I’d rather not see him at all.
Both of those suggestions, though not ideal, are smarter business decisions because:
A)     You don’t put yourself at the risk of being sued by the Hall family should he die while performing in the ring when CLEARLY he was in no shape to be involved in physical activity of ANY nature, never mind wrestling.  He very easily could have died right there in the ring...I can only hope that isn’t what the promoter was wishing for, since clearly it would have thrust his little operation into the limelight...a clearly evil thought indeed.

B)      You don’t embarrass your promotion by putting out substandard entertainment for the dollars the fans pay.  Tell me wrestling fan, would you EVER spend another dollar with a company that thought it was ok to make you watch that embarrassing display?  I damn near didn’t make it through the 30 seconds of highlights in this documentary, never mind the whole damn match.
But I don’t care about the business aspect of this.   What bothers me is that this jerk couldn’t be bothered to do the human and moral thing and keep Hall from performing.
He chose the dollar over the human being. 
I discovered over time that wrestling's dark side is filled with exploitation and horrible stories that are almost enough to sour me on watching ever again.  The event on April 8th, 2011 displayed in "The Wrestler" was the pinnacle of exploitation and shows just how selfish a man can be.
Sadly, Scott Halls behaviour shows that too.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

You talkin' to me?

I’ve learned something very valuable this weekend...something I have suspected for a while, but didn’t have fully confirmed until today.

Many people, like me, have the chance to speak their minds on any topic they like in mediums like blogs or social networking sites, Twitter, etc.  The fact that they feel compelled enough to share their thoughts and feelings with the world in these mediums tells me that they believe in their stances quite passionately.  I mean, it’s one thing to be a Carolina Hurricane fan, it’s another to put yourself out there and tell then world that you love this team and you don’t care who knows.
With all of these opinions flying about unregulated and free to be read by whoever can access them, there is much to be learned.  I have loved the ability to see people’s opinions on the vanilla and spicy topics alike.  It has allowed me to come to a better understanding of the people around me, whether I agreed with them or not.
There is one thing I feel compelled to say though, consider this a public service announcement.  Should you come across an opinion that you don’t agree with in the form of a twitter hit or a Facebook status update...
DO NOT... I REPEAT...DO NOT... speak against it in any way, shape or form.
No one is interested in hearing an opposing opinion.  No one cares to know that they are disagreed with somehow.   No one wants to hear facts or statistics that may be contrary to the opinion that they have presented.
 It happened to me on no less than three occasions on two different mediums before I finally got it through my thick skull. Of course this experience drove me to blog on this myself which some will surely find to be ironic and perhaps even hypocritical.
Is there no one who is interested in being involved in reasonable and passionate discussion anymore?
This is a very big problem in the world today.  Many aren’t willing to hear a differing opinion about anything or will blow you off dismissively because they don’t appreciate the opposing view.  They want to be “re-tweeted” and “liked” as many times as possible.  End of story.
As someone who has developed a knack for putting myself out there and saying what I think, I EXPECT people to take issue.  I HOPE others will speak out if they think I am full of shit and explain exactly why they think so.  I WANT to debate.
Argue with me.  Point out the flaws in my thought process.  Label the errors in judgement I make. Maybe we can come to a better understanding of each other. I have learned a great deal from people that I have disagreed vehemently with, and I don't think I am out of turn by saying that my opponent came out learning a great deal as well.
Just don’t dismiss what I am saying.  It cheapens your argument and it’s annoying.... more annoying than you not agreeing with my by a wide margin.
It doesn’t mean we will end up agreeing.  In fact, just to be sure we are clear on this... you are still wrong.
Just sayin’.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Because knowing is half the battle" OR "Some massages are more urgent than others"

Something silly for you this evening.

As a kid I enjoyed watching the GI JOE cartoons (much to the chagrin of my sisters and my Mom who had to break up the continual fighting over the situation) and would try not to miss a single episode (no matter how brutal they got after they added Serpentor...but I digress)

I happened across an episode on Teletoon Retro tonight and began to laugh out loud like a lunatic.

It's a tiny clip, and I KNOW I didn't notice it the first time I saw this episode decades ago.  You will find it within the following segment.

Did you catch it?

At 2:26 on the computer monitor... "URGENT SOS MASSAGE"

Then, just 8 seconds later... "END OF MASSAGE"

Now... I may not know many things; I have never been accused of being the brightest bulb in the chandelier. I DO know this...

ANY massage that is listed as "URGENT" or requiring an S.O.S had better last a whole lot longer than 8 bloody seconds.  (You can thank me for that little tidbit of advice later, fellas.)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled mid 80's US military promotional cartoon...

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Little Less Talk and A Lot More...Accountability

Ok... so the joy of being lucky enough to live in the society that we do is that we all have a right to speak our minds.

And with so many veins of information available to us through radio, television (all 500 channels of it) and possibly the least controllable of all, the internet, it’s easy to see and hear a lot of those minds spoken.
For the most part those voices simply become “white noise” that just fades into the background, unless something truly out of the ordinary or controversial is said.
Cue Hank Williams Jr.
Now for those of you who may not be aware of who he is, Hank Williams Jr. is a country music icon and the singer of the Monday Night Football anthem (of which he simply adapted from his song “All My Rowdy Friends”).  And as you can see he is...opinionated.
Comparing Barack Obama to Hitler is quite possibly the stupidest thing that has ever been said... and that says a lot, especially with the very well documented comments of Glen “Nazi Tourettes” Beck still around.

Of course, the outrage over the comments by Williams Jr. has him quickly suggesting that we have all misunderstood what he was trying to say. Obviously it is OUR fault that he directly compared Obama with Hitler, right Hank?
Then there is the fallout.  As is reported in this Reuters article ( ), ESPN dropped the song of which Hank is famous for these days as a reaction to his ridiculous statement.
Instantly, free speech champions and redneck, whiskey drinkin’, football lovin’ son of a guns everywhere start screaming at the Sports broadcasting giant that they are infringing on his rights to speak his mind and that the very first amendment gives him protection to do just that.
What these people forget, and ALWAYS seem to forget in these cases, is that while we most certainly have the right in a free society to speak our minds and say what we wish, it does NOT mean that we are immune to the consequences of what we choose to say.
Evelyn Beatrice Hall said “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. And in this case it holds very true.  You Hank are most certainly allowed to compare Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler.  That is your right as a free man (and a redneck, whiskey drinkin’, football lovin’, son of a gun for that matter) and I most certainly defend it (perhaps not to my death...but that is more about me wanting to live than it is a lack of conviction in my belief).
However, it is MY right to punish you for those ridiculous comments by writing this blog to announce what an ignoramus you are, by refusing to listen to your music, by no longer ensuring that I am in front of my TV to see the opening of Monday Night Football, hell to stop drinkin’ whiskey myself if I so choose.
The bottom line is quite simple. Free speech is meaningless if you aren’t willing to be accountable for it too.
Of course after all of this there is still one pressing question that needs to be asked, but frankly I don’t think we will ever find the answer for...
What made Fox News think he was qualified to speak on the political climate facing the United States or rather... what made them think we CARE what he thinks, anyway?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

This is what it comes to?

I have already taken some grief from my single male friends who suggest I need to lighten up a little and if I don't like it I don't have to watch.
It seems as though a seedy Pay per View contest that was created to coincide with the Super Bowl a few years back, has blossomed into a full blown league that is taking up roots in Canada.  I speak of the LFL out of Las Vegas… the Lingerie Football League.
Now I am hoping that I am not the only man disgusted by this development, but I am probably bothered by it for different reasons than the one others might naturally fall on.
First, the story from the Calgary Herald just in case you thought I was making this up.
Now for the record I am not a prude who thinks all women should be dressed in muumuus or some chauvinistic jerk who thinks women have no business in sport.  Quite the contrary…
If you get your jollies seeing women cavorting around in next to nothing for the amusement of paying customers, there are businesses and locations where people can partake of such “pleasures”….namely strip clubs, cover-charging dance clubs… and Hooters.
As far as women in sport… some of the most exciting sporting events I have ever witnessed were achieved by women.  Less than a year ago the world was treated to one of the greatest soccer matches ever played when the US women took on Japan in the World Cup Final, I am Canadian and was on the edge of my seat at every scoring opportunity.  The drama of the Americans tying the game and then losing to the Japanese in penalty kicks...the whole thing was magical and what sport is truly all about.
The reason I am disgusted by this development is because it belittles the power and significance of Sport itself.
I’ve been accused of taking sports and athletics a little too seriously at times and that I and many others have trumped up the whole theory of “The Power of Sport”.   As a person who has played in various sports throughout my entire life and who coaches young men in Basketball, I am a firm believer in the benefits sport offers us.  Both physically through the improvement of health and well being, and mentally through the character development gained in learning new skills, adapting to difficult situations, overcoming obstacles and general life lessons.  There is nothing exploitive about what happens in a football game.  It is two teams, playing a game that pits their physical ability and mental prowess against a worthy competitor determining who will win.
But THIS garbage?
The players are already jumping up stating “We are NOT being exploited.  This has more to do about sport than it does gorgeous women traipsing about in their underwear.” 
If that is their stance, I have a simple question.  
If it IS about sport and competition… then why aren’t they wearing the full protective gear and covering afforded REAL football players?  What benefit is there to the game and the competition in ensuring that the shoulder pads don’t cover the barely covered breasts and the wearing of lace garters if it isn’t to BLATANTLY exploit these young ladies sexuality for the SOLE purpose of making money from sex starved Neanderthals?
Give me a break…
One woman who plays on a team said “This isn’t exploitation.  No one is putting a gun to my head to play”
My dear… just because you aren’t being forced to do this against your will or being turned into a slave doesn’t mean that you aren’t being exploited.
Oh and guys? Be honest.  How many of you are going because you wanna cheer your team of athletes on to victory and how many of you are there to have a few drinks and pray that there is an “equipment malfunction” or two after a gang tackle?
That’s what I thought.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

God, No!...Penn YES!

In The Spirit of Full Disclosure:

Before I go on and review the latest book by Penn Jillette entitled “God, No! Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales, I feel it very important that I let you know that I have been a huge fan of this man and his partner, Teller for the past 25 years. 
With Penn and I sharing a birthday, March 5th; and Teller and I sharing a first name (before he changed it) I always felt connected to these entertainers.  From the very first time I saw their classic “Cups and Balls” trick on a Just for Laughs special I watched on CBC, to their Showcase series “Bullshit”, they have entertained me in a way that was unlike any other.  In their act they told me that they were going to lie to me... they showed me how they lied to me and thanks to their incredible honesty about their lies, I laughed the whole way through.    
I taught myself how to juggle a little just by watching Penn on video over and over and over, trying to repeat it in my living room.  Growing up I did silly talent shows that involved juggling and skits that made fun of the teachers in my high school (in as pleasant a manner as possible) because I wanted to entertain and make people laugh they way Penn and Teller did for me.  Hell, their act is the only reason I have any desire to go to Vegas, and I love Texas Hold ‘Em.   I hope one day to have the coin to get down there and see their show, front row... and then shake their hands afterward (as they do that with anyone caring to after their shows) and thank them for the years of joy and enlightenment they have brought me.
I say all of this now because I want to make sure that, just like Penn and Teller, you know EXACTLY where I am coming from.  That while I am doing my best to review this book objectively, I had expected to like this one from the moment I learned it was published.
Now...on to the show...

When my girlfriend and I went to the bookstore to find God, No!; I was also looking to find the Christopher Hitchens best seller entitled “God is Not Great”.  
As a former Atheist in a Catholic school (long story) turned Mormon (even longer story), turned Atheist once more after Prop 8 in California, I have come to the conclusion that religion sucks and after watching a number of Hitchens debates on Youtube I thought this was someone I need to read more about.   Hearing that Jillette had a book of his own on the topic of Atheism was the “cherry” on top and so I would purchase them both.
It took no time at all to find the Hitchens book in the “Faith” section of the store, but where was Penn’s tale?  Like any man, I searched for a good 20 minutes in an area that would have taken two minutes to go over thoroughly before asking for help.
“Certainly we have that book” said the cheerful clerk.  “We just put it out, two days ago.  I knew it would sell” and she proceeded to bring me to the comedy section.
“This is stupid”, I thought to myself.  “Why the hell would you have a book on Atheism in the comedy section?  Why isn’t his book alongside that of Hitchens and Dawkins?"
So incensed, I decided to tweet my disgust to Penn himself, whom I have followed since I got into Twitter.  My question was simple.   ”Bought your book today but it’s in the comedy section and I’m annoyed it wasn’t with Hitchens.  Are you?"  Much to my surprise and delight, I received a response (that I have saved for posterity until the time when I can see him in person).  It was the point...and VERY Penn Jillette.
“I’m not fit to eat shit of Hitch shoes”
I got quite a kick out of the response and got to reading and quickly learned exactly why this book wasn’t next to Hitchens in the Faith Section.  And it most likely has everything to do with the final two words of the book, although it was very clear much much sooner.
“Fuck Faith”
“God, No!” is filled with this type of straight shooting and often vulgar language that you come to expect from Jillette.  You can say many things about this man, but one thing is for certain that is not up for debate, and that is he speaks his mind and there is no mistaking his stance once he has laid it out for you.
Just like much of his act, whether it is with his partner on stage or in his show, “Bullshit”, he finds a way to get the point across and does it in a way that very often turns his target against itself.  In this case, he takes the Bible’s Ten Commandments and instead offers ten “Atheists Suggestions”.
 Every suggestion offered is given as a direct alternative to the commandments from a book he clearly despises and one after the other, the reader is regaled with the stories of Jillette’ and how his personal experiences effectively reinforce the suggestion made at the start of the chapter.
Very often I would laugh out loud like a fool all by myself, reading the stories told to me in a way that felt as though he was sharing a tale with me that he would tell to one of his closest friends over drinks (non-alcoholic ones of course).  Some of them are so bizarre that not only will you laugh until you cry, as I did, that you can hardly believe their truth, until you realized that the writer is Penn Jillette, and he hasn’t exactly lived the “everyman’s life”  and he is just telling it the way it is.  (I tell you, I will never look at a hair dryer the same way again... as most assuredly Jillette doesn’t either.)
In and among some of the stranger stories, you will also find some very heartfelt moments from a man who is EXACTLY like “everyman” and experiences the trials and tribulations most everyone faces with their families and the passing of loved ones.  There are genuine moments of raw emotion with details that are almost too intimate to have been shared...and then once again you remember who the writer is.  I found his stories about his parents passing to be especially emotional and I was very thankful that he chose to share them.
What impressed me most in this book is that not once does it fall into the trap of being “preachy”.  Certainly he does not hold back when it comes to what he thinks about those people who believe in “faith”.  Clearly there is a great deal of disdain for those individuals (there really is no way to say someone is “batshit nuts” nicely) and maybe it’s because I have a greater tolerance of vulgar language than many others, but it feels like while he may have been calling people of faith, “batshit nuts”, he was doing it with the utmost respect.  He doesn’t necessarily HATE them... they are just wrong, and they shouldn’t be trying to spread their lies.  End of story.  (Of course this vibe that I get may also be because I am all too willing to look the other way as it concerns a man I am a fan of.  Therefore you have to just read and decide for yourself if my prejudice has gotten the better of me.)
To give this book a rating would feel like a lot of what Penn’s inspiration Houdini might call, Hokum, especially with my aforementioned bias in his support.  That aside I certainly think this is an entertaining read and well worth the investment of time to go over the almost 230 pages.  You may not agree with him, or the way in which he delivers his tale... but like everything else he does (even when he is lying to you)... he’s telling you the truth the way he sees it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Writing what I couldn't bring myself to say...

My best friend’s father passed away last week after a long and courageous battle with cancer, and tonight I said goodbye to him during Prayer services.

From the moment Andy shared the news I had been dreading seeing him for that very first time.  Someone like me who has always managed to find the right thing to say in virtually any circumstance, was nowhere close to being able to come up with the words to express the grief I was feeling for him.

I walked into that house that I had spent so much time in growing up, ready to burst into tears at first sight.  And to my surprise, looking at Andy, working diligently making the final preparations to the music list he was preparing for the service…none came.

Of course neither one of us could spend any real time looking each other in the eyes.  I think we both knew in our hearts that we wouldn’t make it if we did.  So he kept plugging away at the task at hand and I spent my time focusing on my God daughter, and the rest of the family.  Making the small talk that I knew would help get me through.

The procession tonight was another story all together.  I paid my respects to this great man and then made my way down the line of the family.

And then I got to Andy…

During the embrace I wanted to tell him how lucky he was to have a father as great as his.  And that his dad would be so proud of the man and father that he has become.  And all I could muster was…

“I love you man.”

Now understand I don’t have any regrets as far as what I said, because I mean every word.  I have mistakenly referred to friends close to me as “brother” in the past, but this will never be the case with Andy.  He has been there for me during my darkest hours, and through moments of great joy.  Which is exactly the way his father was to the people he cared for.  Claude didn’t just have friends… he had family.

Because I couldn’t share this with Andy in person, I have decided to share a story about this wonderful man and a few thoughts here. Call me a coward, but I can’t think of anything else I can do

I remember Claude at first, mostly because he was the first of my buddy’s fathers that I was taller than.  I always enjoyed going over to Andy’s place and hoped that his Dad would be home for that mini-ego boost that my low self-esteem so desperately needed.

He had always greeted me with a smile and asked me how school was going.  I would lie to Claude and tell him I was doing “pretty good”, when really what I meant was…”everything about school is brutal except for the sports”.

As I had grown older and went through some adventures that left me living with my parents and spinning my wheels in a dead end job, I found myself spending all my spare time at Andy’s house (he was living with his parents at the time).  We would sit in the basement, watch sports, and talk about our favorite teams, music and movies.

One day I said out loud…”You know I wish we could get paid to do this”.  Andy always being a little smarter than me says...”Well you could always get into radio…”

I light bulb went off and soon we found ourselves applying for college.  During the process, I was back in their basement, making final preparations of my portfolio.  While Andy had run upstairs to grabs the snacks Claude walked into the basement and came over to see what was up.

After a bit of small talk I came out and asked him.

Do you think I can do this?  Do you think I could get into radio?

He looked me square in the eyes and said…

“Raymond…I think that when you set your mind to it… you can do ANYTHING.”

He smiled, as he always did, and walked away. 

Now the skeptic might say the only reason he said that was so that he might actually be able to enjoy his couch again and keep the Pepsi and snacks in the damn house. 

But I have never forgotten those words, and I will always cherish that genuine support and belief he showed me.

Andy… the legacy your father leaves in this world is evident in the long and happy marriage to the wonderful woman he cherished so, and in the beautiful, caring, loving children he raised.  You are everything that your father was…and he is so very proud of you.

I am only sorry I couldn’t say this to you in person…but please know I mean every word.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's In A Name 2...Retribution!

So ...never one to leave a story untold...I am following up on a previous post concerning the importance of showing even the smallest amount of respect by simply pronouncing their name correctly.
I had a chance to speak with my friend, whose daughter was receiving an award in front of the school when her teacher of TWO YEARS not only failed to pronounce her name properly twice... she then arbitrarily shortened it and continued on with the ceremony.
Well the parent teacher interview that followed a few days later was when payback would be exacted.
After discussing their daughter and her performance in school (an EXCEPTIONAL student I might add) he had a simple question.
"How do you say my name?"
Instantly the teacher began to stammer and tried to explain away the mishap.  At first it looked as if she was going to pull out a tried and true excuse that our children use on us parents.
“Well... I was told that is what all her friends in class called her and when I was scrambling I just went with that”
Before my friend could point out just how preposterous it is to use an excuse like this, she immediately began to apologize profusely as she turned redder and redder with embarrassment.
While he could have really raked her over the coals (and he admits he really wanted to), he took the high road, choosing only to reiterate a statement made by the school principal during the same ceremony about the importance of the names that we have and how we should respect and properly represent our names at all times.
He always has a knack for saying just the right thing.
PS.  Not to justify her behaviour in this case at all, but it occurred to me why the teacher has not learned how to say this name properly after almost 2 full years.  And it has everything to do with just how good a student she is.  This is just a guess on my part, but you hear the saying that the squeaky wheels get the grease.  Do teachers remember the students who cause trouble and are difficult more than the excellent students?  Do you forget the name of the class clowns  or the bullies as opposed to the straight “A” students?
Throwing that out there... let me know if you think I am off base or if I am onto something.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Madness must not unwatched go..."

Alfred Lord Tennyson just about said it perfectly.
“In the spring a young man’s fancy turns lightly to thoughts of love.”
And while I am an admitted hopeless romantic who has been known to cause diabetic coma’s amongst individuals within earshot (or sight) of my proclamations for my Pixie...I have to disagree with Al.
Perhaps it’s because Basketball was my best sport.  Perhaps it’s because I never played hockey at any organized level.  Whatever the underlying reason, there is one thing that ALWAYS gets me revved up around this time of year.  So instead, I will re-write it properly (albeit with much less decorum than the original and with apologies to Mr. Tennyson’s descendants):
“In the spring THIS young man’s fancy turns lightly to thoughts of MARCH MADNESS BABY!”
The National Championship tournament for NCAA Men’s Basketball is in my opinion the greatest tournament in sports.
Just one game to advance; do or die EVERY contest. Where long shot, “no-name” schools routinely take out higher ranked “Power” programs.  None of the players are being paid exorbitant amounts of money... no agents (unless they are violating regulations which has been known to happen every now and again)... basketball at its PUREST.  The way it is meant to be played.
Keep LeBron James...give me Butler Bulldog’s Matt Howard, scoring a last HUNDREDTH of a second lay-in to win their game this afternoon.  Or Morehead State’s Demonte Harper, who hit a 3-pointer with 4 seconds left to lead his number 13 ranked Eagles over number 4 ranked Louisville...a play that was designed and came to his coach IN A DREAM the night before...and those are just a couple of the exciting games from this year. 
Some of the greatest sports upsets in history originate through March Madness.  Villanova... a team that had never even made the top 20 teams in the rankings in 1985 defeated powerhouse Georgetown and their eventual basketball hall of fame centre Patrick Ewing in the Championship final.  Who can forget the great Jimmy Valvanno running onto the court looking frantically for someone to hug after his North Carolina State Wolfpack beat the Houston Cougars who featured a pair of Hall of famers, Hakeem “the Dream” Olajuwon and Clyde “the Glide” Drexler in 1983.
Basketball Hall of Famers Magic Johnson and Larry Bird began their legendary rivalries in this tournament’s championship game (Michigan State and Indiana State respectively). And thousands of players who never made it to the NBA had their greatest moments in this tournament. Their glory achieved sometimes in a single shot during a first round upset.
And then of course there is “the question”. 
“Filled your bracket out yet?”
Countless hours and millions of dollars are spent, pouring over the selections on who is going to win each game and win it all.  2.5 BILLION dollars is wagered yearly according to some sources, with an estimated 3.8 BILLION dollars in lost productivity to employers in North America.  Madness indeed!
The only thing that comes close to the thrill I get in watching this tournament every year were the three deep runs in the Stanley Cup playoffs that my beloved Carolina Hurricanes have had in 2002, 2006 (Cup win...WOOOOOO!), and in 2008.   The second the tournament is over every year, just like a junkie, I am looking for the next fix that I know will take all too long to find.
So, if I am distracted over the next few days... I apologize.  The Madness has taken hold once more.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A special announcement...

I admit it.
This is a very cheap and sneaky way of getting folks to check out my blog.  Sue me.
It seems my work career has come full circle of sorts as I am returning to a position I held long ago at the start of my career in radio.
This morning I was given the news/sports anchor position at CFOK in Westlock.  It’s a position I held for 8 years and had moved on from to try hosting the morning show for a couple years.  The last 3 years I have been in sales, a position I took for financial reasons and while I enjoyed learning yet another aspect of the medium, my heart and passion have always been in the on air aspect.  It is something that I missed from the moment I stopped doing it and looked for every chance I could to stay involved in it.  Whether it was voicing commercials or co-hosting the morning show for a break or two.
While I am “starting over” in a sense and am technically no further along in my career than I was 7 years ago, I look at this as a wonderful opportunity for me.  Think about it.  You ever wish that you had a chance to do it over again so you could do it a little different?  So that you could take advantage of the knowledge and maturity you have gained over the years? 
This is exactly the opportunity I have now...and I certainly have no intention of wasting it.  Staying in touch with the community and informing the public about important information they need to know to get through their I said...It's my passion.
First shift is set up for this Monday (I have a few loose ends to tie up over the next week or two) so I have a few days to prepare.
I’m excited and thankful for opportunity.
The more things change... the more they stay the same...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Throwing the baby out with the (heavy) bath water...

You had to know this was coming.
With the one/two natural disaster punch given to Japan last week causing explosions at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant and the subsequent releases of low level radiation into the air, people have decided that Nuclear Power is a bad idea and should be stopped completely.
Germany has decided to close 7 of their nuclear plants immediately until the summer, and that they may never be re-opened  (To be fair these plants were scheduled to close in three months anyway...however the precedent has been set).   They’ve gone a step further to suggest that other countries in the European Union should examine their power plants.  Switzerland has put a hold on all nuclear plant construction.  On a closer to home level, I have had a number of friends say that they knew all along that Nuclear Power was a bad idea and it has to be stopped.
Now frankly I get the feeling that way too many people believe that the plants are being operated and run by people like this...
These plants have incredible safety guidelines that they must adhere to and are subject to inspections and regulations that are designed to keep the public safe at all times, while providing the power our society needs to exist.
Let me say that I am not minimizing the dangers of what can happen when these natural disasters occur.  When something goes can go very wrong.  The environmental damage that could occur should this incident get to be any greater than it already is would be nothing short of catastrophic and have an effect on the health and economies of the world for years to come.  There is damn good reason to be concerned.
 But let’s take a look at that...
There have been around 20 “incidents” at nuclear power plants all over the world since 1951, with very few of them resulting in radiation leaked into the environment.  We think of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and now Fukushima, because of the severity of the incident, but forget that for 6 decades nuclear power has provided safe clean power from hundreds of plants throughout the world. (There are over 440 plants in the world with another 60+ in construction)
Taking this accident and saying it’s time to do away with Nuclear power is like looking at the over 50,000 people killed in vehicle collisions in a year and saying that we have to get rid of cars because they aren’t safe.  It’s preposterous.
Stress test these plants... absolutely.  Re-examine the safety precautions that are implemented on these plants in the cases of natural disasters and the like...positively.  Just like we are constantly looking for ways to make cars safer with seatbelts and airbags and anti-lock brakes... so should we look at ways to make sure that nuclear power remains safe. 
And while we are at it... let’s see if we can’t get solar, hyrdo and wind power put into high gear so that we can provide clean alternatives for our power needs so that maybe one day we can have the safest, cleanest, most efficient form of power production possible.  There is absolutely no need to go back to the days where we pollute the daylights out of our world based on this one incident alone.
And for crying out loud can we in North America please not rush to the pharmacies and stock up on potassium iodide!  There is no need to protect ourselves from radiation poisoning, especially when there is no imminent threat.  Let’s use a little common sense here!   There is nothing quite like protecting ourselves from being poisoned, by poisoning ourselves with needless medication.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tom Petty has it right...

Ever get the feeling as though your wheels are spinning?  Not really sure what is happening or what to do next?
Through many of the events in my past, not knowing what I needed to do to change my situation lead inevitably to the outright fear of changing it at all.  Fearing that I was once again making the wrong decision and that I would most certainly be unhappier than I am now. 
“After all you made big changes before Raymond...and look where it got you?”
Self doubt is a huge hurdle that I deal with on a nearly daily basis.  For some reason I have convinced myself that while I have tons of ideas and advice on how to help others, and am willing to do so at the drop of a hat...I lack the ability to help myself.
There is a great deal of my life that I am not satisfied with and loath frankly...but because of fear, self-doubt and complete lack of confidence, I am left barely treading water...frustrating myself and the people around me who love me and know that I am capable of so much more.
So, finally I decide enough is enough and I get the ball rolling on several fronts.  No more Mr. Nice Guy... ok... I am still Mr. Nice Guy, I’m just not gonna stand around and let the world happen around me anymore
And now that I have made the necessary decisions and moves to put myself on the path I wish to be on...I discover that things are TRULY out of my hands.  And so I wait...which made me think of this Simpson’s clip...
The song by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, perfectly describes Homer’s feelings as he waits for the State rule 5 days before he is allowed to purchase a gun. Now I am not looking to purchase a weapon at all (although truth be told there are times when I feel like I am gonna snap, making a weapon pretty handy around that time), however the angst that I am feeling at the moment is getting difficult to handle.
I just find it frustrating that now I’ve finally found the nerve to get something done the power is no longer in my hands to get the result I desire. (and yes I am well aware that I brought all of my current situation on myself and that if I want to blame someone for the current predicament I find myself in I need look no further than in the mirror.)
Of course, I know things can be worse (as I stated clearly in my last posting) so I am not complaining... I am just making a frustrated observation that I have had just about enough of the waiting.

“The waiting is the hardest part,
every day you get one more yard,
You take it on faith,
you take it to the heart
the waiting is the hardest part” –Tom Petty