Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ooops... I did it again (with apologies to Ms. Spears)

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Much like Wyle E Coyote who continues to be thwarted by the Roadrunner, or Homer Simpson who can barely make it through an hour without proclaiming, “d’OH!”; I have done it again.

Long time readers of my blog (all 7 editions) are aware that I am lacking in what I call an “edit” button between my brain and my mouth.  If I have something on my mind, I share it, right or wrong.  (Others may say that what I am really lacking is common sense… but I digress)

It happened again last night.  After a particularly difficult personal situation happened to me, I made a comment on my Facebook status, which lead to the whole event being described in public for the world to see.

In retrospect, these personal issues and pains that I share (I have done this in the past) are probably best held to myself.  I am sure that some looked at what I wrote and said… “There he goes again, looking for sympathy on a problem he should be dealing with himself”.  

They are probably right…except…

1)      I received a number of comments, both publicly and privately, from people that I hold very dear to me that offered condolence, advice, support and most importantly, perspective.   Reading their comments, taking the time to contemplate their words and appreciating the fact that they care enough to offer their support…gave me perspective and peace.  A situation where I COULD have found myself over-emotional and depressed was turned into a more positive experience that I have learned from.  
2)      I was not divulging anyone else’s secrets or situations.   Gossip is a terrible thing.  I’ve been the subject of it in the past and it sucks.  HARD.  So when I fail to use that edit button I make sure that the information moving on is my own.  When people tell me to put things in “The Vault”… that is where it stays. (And no, Seinfeld viewers, the key to said vault is NOT alcohol.)
3)       Sammy Davis Jr. probably sang it best… I gotta be me!  As someone who continually mulls over ever little detail in his life in my brain until the horse isn’t only dead… the flesh has been flogged off its bones and those bones pounded into a fine powder…it’s imperative that I speak out.  My very sanity depends on it.

Look, I know we all have problems and issues and there are some things that need to be kept quiet for obvious reasons.  Even someone as open as I am knows that.  With that said, I was reminded of something that I am more than proud to share and I don’t care who sees it.

I have some AMAZING friends.  Great people that are perfect examples of what we can all strive to be as humans.  Loving, caring and genuinely concerned for my well being.  There to pick me up when I am down, ready to rejoice with me in triumph.  I don’t see all of them nearly as often as I would like, but all of them have influenced my life and make me strive to be as great as they are.  If that is the only thing I learned from my big mouthedness on this occasion (and thanks to my friends it wasn’t), then that is good enough for me.

Now you may have read all of this and are asking yourself, “What the hell is this self-indulgent tripe?   Doesn’t this guy know when to keep his mouth shut?” 

Here are your answers…

These are the express written opinions, feelings, emotions, thoughts of a dude who’s simply trying to muddle through this existence doing as much good as he can in the world and trying to figure out how to do right by the people he cares for… and people in general…while throwing in a little humor here and there to make it interesting.  

As far as knowing when to keep my mouth shut… clearly I think you all know the answer to that by now.

1 comment:

  1. Yor blog needs more pictures of hot NFL cheerleaders.
