Monday, September 20, 2010


I’ve figured it out.

I know what is wrong with the World today.  

The answer may surprise you… and then again, it may not.

Paris Hilton.

Once again proving that if you have enough money to purchase a small country you can get away with anything, Paris Hilton avoided a felony and was given 1 year probation for possession of cocaine and obstruction of justice in a Las Vegas courtroom.  

This is not her first run in with the law.  Recently she was arrested for possession of pot in South Africa during the World Cup.  She claimed then that the pot was someone else’s and the charges were magically dropped against her as some poor schlep plead guilty for her.

She tried it again this time around.  When the officer caught her with the cocaine in the purse, she said that the bag wasn’t hers, despite it having numerous credit cards, 1300 dollars and some rolling papers that belonged to her.  (Hey… it worked the first time, right? I wonder if that was part of the deal when people auditioned to be her BFF, back when she was running that reality show of hers.  I'm only speculating that was the premise of the show, I certainly couldn’t bring myself to waste my time watching that tripe.)

What is most incredulous in all of this is the fact that her lawyer and the prosecution claim that she is “taking responsibility” for her actions.

REALLY?  Putting the blame for breaking the law on her friends is taking responsibility? That alone is enough to make you question society’s moral compass as to what is right and wrong.  I didn’t realize the bar for personal responsibility was set so bloody low.  Equally as incredulous is a statement that she was not given any special treatment.

Famous for no other reason than the fact her family has more money than you or I could ever spend in 100 lifetimes, she flaunts her celebrity status in the face of the world.  

Sadly I know young ladies that actually look up to this woman and wish that they could be like her.  How sad our world has become when SHE is the type of individual that our children are looking up to.

The judge stated that her next run in with the law greater than a minor traffic violation will put her in jail for a year.  I’d like to believe that to be true, but sadly you and I know that will not be the case.  She will find a way to use her family’s money to “make the trouble go away”, and she will be off to the next movie debut or whatever the hell she does with her time.

As for blaming her for the ills of society, well… perhaps that is a little on the harsh side.  However, she has highlighted once again that not everyone is equal under our laws, or at the very least, that some people are just more equal than others.  Until EVERYONE is equal and treated the same way when laws are broken...the problems of the world will remain.

Some of you may call me a “hater” and say that I am just jealous.  All I know is there’s no way in hell a black man/Average Joe/homeless person her age, caught in the same situation would have been given the same latitude.

Go ahead… prove me wrong.  I dare you.

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