Sunday, October 16, 2011

You talkin' to me?

I’ve learned something very valuable this weekend...something I have suspected for a while, but didn’t have fully confirmed until today.

Many people, like me, have the chance to speak their minds on any topic they like in mediums like blogs or social networking sites, Twitter, etc.  The fact that they feel compelled enough to share their thoughts and feelings with the world in these mediums tells me that they believe in their stances quite passionately.  I mean, it’s one thing to be a Carolina Hurricane fan, it’s another to put yourself out there and tell then world that you love this team and you don’t care who knows.
With all of these opinions flying about unregulated and free to be read by whoever can access them, there is much to be learned.  I have loved the ability to see people’s opinions on the vanilla and spicy topics alike.  It has allowed me to come to a better understanding of the people around me, whether I agreed with them or not.
There is one thing I feel compelled to say though, consider this a public service announcement.  Should you come across an opinion that you don’t agree with in the form of a twitter hit or a Facebook status update...
DO NOT... I REPEAT...DO NOT... speak against it in any way, shape or form.
No one is interested in hearing an opposing opinion.  No one cares to know that they are disagreed with somehow.   No one wants to hear facts or statistics that may be contrary to the opinion that they have presented.
 It happened to me on no less than three occasions on two different mediums before I finally got it through my thick skull. Of course this experience drove me to blog on this myself which some will surely find to be ironic and perhaps even hypocritical.
Is there no one who is interested in being involved in reasonable and passionate discussion anymore?
This is a very big problem in the world today.  Many aren’t willing to hear a differing opinion about anything or will blow you off dismissively because they don’t appreciate the opposing view.  They want to be “re-tweeted” and “liked” as many times as possible.  End of story.
As someone who has developed a knack for putting myself out there and saying what I think, I EXPECT people to take issue.  I HOPE others will speak out if they think I am full of shit and explain exactly why they think so.  I WANT to debate.
Argue with me.  Point out the flaws in my thought process.  Label the errors in judgement I make. Maybe we can come to a better understanding of each other. I have learned a great deal from people that I have disagreed vehemently with, and I don't think I am out of turn by saying that my opponent came out learning a great deal as well.
Just don’t dismiss what I am saying.  It cheapens your argument and it’s annoying.... more annoying than you not agreeing with my by a wide margin.
It doesn’t mean we will end up agreeing.  In fact, just to be sure we are clear on this... you are still wrong.
Just sayin’.

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