Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"From thoughtless youth to ruminating age"

I played my first game of volleyball as a 40 year old today and something became brutally clear almost immediately.
I am not a kid anymore.
Now I know how ridiculous that sounds since I was playing the same damn sport just last week and there is very little difference in my play between the two matches.  I described it on my Facebook status as “fleeting moments of adequacy surrounded predominantly by extended periods of ineptitude”. 
As the high paced game proceeded this evening it dawned on me that I just can’t get to the areas of the court I used to by relying on athletic ability (of which I had a little in my day... nothing to write home about... but I did consider myself to be an athlete of sorts).  Now I have to be thinking about 3 plays ahead and try to “cheat” a little to stay competitive with the younger players around me.
(Side note:  I use the word “cheat” loosely here.  It’s not like I am cheating by trimming scores or breaking rules of the game.  I do so to “level the playing field” of sorts.  For example, I can no longer jump very high or maintain the sort of hang time displayed by my opponents, so now in order to execute blocks; I jump much later than I did when I was younger so that my hands are at least above the net when the attack comes.  My teammates who were behind me (and reduced to targets when the block was no longer there) are thankful for the change... it has surely added several years to their lives and reduced the number of bruises on their bodies.)
Oh I TRIED to leap and dive and slide and hustle the way I always have.  The competitive spirit, will and effort were still there. Alas, when I called upon my body... it was just incapable of executing.
Now, those who have watched me play over the past 2 years might suggest that I have had this problem for quite some time and that it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I have completed my 4th decade of existence...a fair comment.  But it is reaching that milestone that is making me consider it all.
Is there anything to be done about it is now the question.  Do I hit the gym, slim down and re-train the body so I can compete with the younger crowd?  I could... I trimmed down nicely once and as I am currently attempting to lose weight I know I am more than capable of it.
Do I sit and lament the years gone by and the fleeting youth that I took for granted?

1 comment:

  1. You are wrong. You were an amazing athlete when you were in high school, as well as out of high school. I was jealous of that natural ability that you always demonstrated...and angry too because, why couldn't I be like you in that department.
    I stood in awe of how easy you made most sports seem, while all along knowing how hard you worked at keeping up your skills. You were valued by your teams then, as I am sure you are now brother! It was always amazing to sit and watch you play. Even if I never told you.
