Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One BOSS Night

I have had some incredible luck.
As a friend of mine pointed out to me this afternoon while seeing my newly added Facebook profile picture, in the past couple years I have been lucky enough to meet people that I have idolized.  First, it was my hockey hero, Ron Francis and only 3 nights ago...Penn and Teller.
To accurately describe the latest experience is pretty hard for me to do since frankly, in my excitement to meet these entertainers that I have admired since the mid-80’s I can’t completely recall what I said to either of them.
First; I should give a quick review of how this meeting came to be in the first place.
As was the case when I met Ron Francis, my girlfriend had bought me tickets to see Penn and Teller for Christmas (and my birthday...which is on the same day as Penn Jillette as a matter of fact), and since the only way for me to see Penn and Teller was to go to Las Vegas... well the trip to Sin City came with it.
Many people go to Vegas for many different reasons, but the only desire I had to go to Nevada was to see their show... everything else was gravy.  And it certainly didn’t disappoint.  As Penn pointed out in the introduction, the “bits” they did in their show covered various times throughout their long and storied careers, both on and off Broadway, from various tours, and to prove that greatness never rests, a new bit they did in the middle of the show that totally kicked ass!
I even volunteered to be a part of one of the bits (Penn and Teller use audience members in virtually every aspect of the show) alas I was not selected, but that didn’t dampen the night in the least.
They concluded the show with their “Bullet Catching” finale and upon wrapping up the show, Penn ran up the aisle out to the lobby while Teller walked up another aisle to join him, where they would meet audience members after the show, as has been their tradition...something that I don’t think ANYONE else in Showbiz does on a regular basis.
I knew they met their fans and had actually tweeted Penn to ask him if it was ok for me to bring a couple of “P&T: Bullshit” DVD’s and a book for them to sign, to which he replied that he would happily sign anything brought before him.
I ran through the whole meeting in my head at least a dozen times before the meeting and decided that I would purposely wait and bide my time a little to let the majority of the crowd thin out some.  I didn’t want to feel rushed or pressured with folks behind me waiting in line.
First was Teller.

Let me say I was thoroughly impressed with his thoughtful and generous nature.  He kindly signed the DVD’s in the places that I asked (over the episode descriptions of my two favourites) and shook my hand and thanked me for coming to the show before taking a picture with me. 

I moved on to meet Penn, where he too kindly signed the areas I had asked as well as his book (which I have reviewed in a previous blog post God no!...Penn YES!) and shook my hand.  As they had been separate for the after the show meetings I took a chance and asked if he would be willing to allow me to have a picture with both he and Teller and he said if I caught Teller, he would be willing to do so.

I quickly ran back to catch Teller once more and asked if he would be willing to have a picture taken with me and his partner.  Again, he very generously agreed to wait, during which time we had a very pleasant conversation where we spoke about the duo’s upcoming shows at Disneyland (or was it Disneyworld?  I can’t remember...the fact I remember any of this is a miracle to be honest...) and a very interesting special that they were taping in the near future. (I have to thank Carolyn for this because she initiated the conversation with him and made the experience even greater.)
Shortly afterward, Penn arrived and we took the picture together and I thanked them once more and we parted ways.

Immediately afterward, I asked Carolyn if I made it through the meeting ok and while she said that I was starting to gush a little bit, I did ok as far as she was concerned and wasn't TOO over the top. 
Of course... now that I have had time to think of the event... I think I really blew it.
They clearly knew I was a fan considering all the stuff I had brought for them to sign, but I wanted to just have a regular conversation with them and maybe ask a couple of questions.
I wanted to ask them questions about how often they change up their show.  Is it like Pearl Jam with a different set list every night or do they go with a show for a couple weeks before making changes?
I wanted to ask them if they ever dreamed their careers would take them from “comedic magic” to “debunking” common myths and beliefs held by society.
I wanted to personally compliment Penn on his book and tell him that I appreciated his effort to share stories about his personal life, especially about his family and how they have brought him to the belief system he has.
I wanted to ask Penn about his thoughts on the death of Christopher Hitchens and get his take on who would be the next leaders for athiests...if he saw himself taking up that charge.
With the GOP Nevada primary taking place that very night, I wanted to ask them their thoughts on politics in general and who they think would be best to lead their country and if their stance as Liberatarians made it difficult to engage in the political process.
I wanted to ask how often they came up with new bits how the ideas came to be and then as a joke suggest that a really cool bit they could try making a few politicians disappear...
I wanted to ask if they ever intended to do a tour of Canada in the future.  How much longer they felt they could continue this amazing career.  If Penn felt like there was politics in his future.
I wanted to be memorable to them both in a GOOD WAY... not a “Hey Teller, can you believe that guy at the end there?  Yikes, glad we have security for those freaks!”
Thankfully it didn’t turn out that way and I have yet another “BOSS” event that I will cherish for the rest of my days. 
For those headed to Vegas...(I don't have Penn's skill in the way of delivery but the setiment and heart is all there!)... "Do yourself a favour and make sure you take some time to visit the Rio All-Suite Resort and Casino in lovely Las Vegas, Nevada and check out the greatest magicians on the planet BAR NONE...PENN & TELLER!" 
Thanks again to both Penn and Teller for an amazing show, for being so kind and gracious with your time afterward and frankly for the years of entertainment you have provided me.  
Thanks most of all to Carolyn...another Christmas (and birthday) to remember...I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much.  

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